Employment Specialists @ The Bridge

Earlier this month one of our Employment Specialists traveled with a peer out of state to deal with a felony warrant that was keeping her from employment in her chosen field. It meant hours of communication, overcoming fear, staying strong and spending a couple of hours in jail. She came back to Fairbanks with her head held high with charges reduced to a misdemeanor.

Currently, this employment specialist is working with another client on expungement of her criminal record. Often the barriers to employment can seem insurmountable but with an advocate the barriers can be removed. Giles, The Bridge Employment Specialist Coordinator describes it like this, “The visible change in participants is stunning when they see they are accepted by others.”

Starting in August staff will be holding Employment Skills Training for individuals at Fairbanks Correctional Center every Friday afternoon.

Join us this Thursday at 10am in City Hall for the Fairbanks Reentry Coalition meeting to hear our guest speaker, Yulonda Candelario with the US Attorney’s Office, Ms Candelario is the Law Enforcement, Reentry and Community Outreach Coordinator and will share with us the process of holding a Reentry Simulation! Hope to see you there! We will need volunteers.