Happy New Year!

2018 ended in a flurry of activity! All of my writing was focused on grants, not this blog, and then just when I was getting into the swing of 2019 a brief illness swept me off my feet.  Before January ends I want to check in with you!  Happy New Year!  I hope 2019 is full of new beginnings and a renewed since of hope!

 One of the results of writing grants is looking at our successes!  Since Reentry Case Management started in February 2017 Marsha has seen 91 clients for case management, of those only 21 have gone back to jail, when you do the math that’s 23% recidivism.  Really remarkable!! There are a few things that make this number possible. 1) Our communities’ commitment to make connections for our returning citizens! 2) Marsha’s ability to find resources from housing to mini grants for her clients. 3) Most important is the determination of the returning citizen to stay out of jail and become a contributing member of our community.

On January 15th we graduated a new group of individuals who completed Case Management! We are so proud of their successes.  Thank you to Doyon for the gift cards, June Rogers for the gift certificates to McCafferty’s, Mike Sanders for raffle tickets, Heather Young owner of Young at Heart for donating her time and supplies for the paintings, Marvin Roberts for speaking, Kinfel United for playing, Becca Brado for making the food and Rev. Scott Fisher for the prayer! We are so pleased that our graduates have this kind of community support!

graduation Jan 19.jpg