Conflict Resolution

Often we disagree with one another. It’s a given.  My life experiences are different than yours. Sometimes the issue is mundane like how you load the dishwasher, and let’s be clear if I put the soap in and close the door I have the right to rearrange it first.

Our Coalition does a Capacity Assessment every year and this statement ranked lowest: The Coalition effectively addresses and resolves issues.  50% agree with the statement, 4.55% think we do it really well and 4.55% think we don’t.  Another 40.91% don’t know if we do or not.  It hasn’t been their experience to be involved in a conflict with the Coalition. The score slipped just under 4 making it a medium priority at 3.92. To be clear that 4.55% is one person out of 22.

I have some questions:

1.       What is the issue? Can you define it for me?

2.       What is your experience with this issue?

3.       Is this a personal, agency, community or a coalition issue?

4.       As a coalition do we have the authority to resolve it?

5.       How does a coalition effect change anyway?

If you find yourself in disagreement with the Fairbanks Reentry Coalition I invite you to start with me. You might find that a resolution is only a conversation away.  In four short months as the Coordinator I have been able to resolve a few issues.  Some things may not change because this is a grant funded program with its own boundaries, rules and conditions. But by the time we finish talking you will know why we do the things the way we do and if resolution is possible. Change is possible!

At times my self-talk is negative; I can’t see a way forward. When I thoughtfully express it to a trusted peer or mentor they can reframe it helping me find hope.  A few months ago we did another survey and our members listed the strengths that they bring to the table and the most common strength listed was conflict resolution. I am hopeful that a year from now this assessment will reveal our coalition is great at addressing and resolving issues.
